Saturday, January 13, 2007

New Codicil

I'm getting Wilson Pickett to sing Hey Jude at my funeral, even if he died last year. My funeral, my rules.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

What About Funks #1-#47 Joe?

Sometimes I feel as if there's even more oxygen in the blogosphere.

Sigma Phi Upsilon

Imagine my surprise when I looked at my old college fraternity composite and John Mayer was one of my pledge brothers!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Wayne Huizenga Bookmarks This Blog

I wish Nick Saban would hurry up and make up his mind so I can create my own username and password on hire.fogefazio/

No, But Seriously

I predict tonight's FedEx Orange Bowl game between Wake Forest and Louisville to be an "instant classic" according to the eventual victors' parents.

I Interrupt Repetitive Gerald Ford Reminiscing for the Following Announcement

I'm making it a New Year's resolution to keep my blogging up. Much to the chagrin of Scott Weiland.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Here's Something For All You Young Lovers Out There

Hardball with Chris Matthews is just not the same without Chris Matthews. Here's to you Chris, and I hope you have a speedy recovery. God speed and may you crap in Keith Olbermann's chair when you get back to the office.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Just An Observation

I keep getting the "crowd shot only" World Series feed on my local Fox station. Remind me to contact my local cable operator.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Egg Man

Well I'm Mike D and I'm back from the dead
Chillin' at the beaches down at Club Med
-- Mike D, Beastie Boys, Shake Your Rump

Monday, June 26, 2006

Herein Fail Not

Dear Mr. Buffett,

When choosing to whom you want to give your billions away to, remember for a princely sum of say, three million dollars, you could pay people not to put ribbon bumper stickers on the back of their cars, trucks and SUVs.